Odr.; Wmk. 15; A = perf. K 14 3/4:14
Souvenir Sheet, Date of issue: 2.4.1998
Picture descriptions:
bna) main tower
bnb) Small tower
bnc) Scripture storage
bnd) Vishnu sleeping in the ocean; Relief above the east portal of the main tower
1843 C 3 B multicolored bna
1844 C 4 B multicolored bnb
1845 C 6 B multicolored bnc
1846 C 7 B multicolored bnd
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 1843C-1846C
Souvenir Sheet 108 (111 mm x 145 mm) bne
Postpreis: 27 B
Quantity: 200,000 each
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice: