Odr.; A = perf. K 13; C = perf. K 14 1/4
Set, Issue date: 26.10.2007
personalized Sheet, Issue date: 13.03.2013
Picture descriptions:
cyv) coconut harvest
cyw) snack boat to a dock
cyx) woodcarvers
cza) shadow-doll makers
czb) Flower Stall
czc) Reuse makers
cyy) Buddhist monk in the boat
cyz) sky lanterns
czd) Boats of fruit dealers
cze) elephants move logs
2599 A 3 B multicolored cyv
2600 A 3 B multicolored cyw
2601 A 3 B multicolored cyx
2602 A 3 B multicolored cyy
2603 A 3 B multicolored cyz
2604 A 3 B multicolored cza
2605 A 3 B multicolored czb
2606 A 3 B multicolored czc
2607 A 3 B multicolored czd
2608 A 3 B multicolored cze
Quantity personalized Sheet: 5,000 pieces up to 25.000 pieces
Printer: Thai British Security Printing, Bangkok
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" personalized sheet with 10 stamps MiNo. 2599A-2608A and 10 x personalized fields
Issue notice:
- For the most different occasions in Thailand, personalized special sheets are issued by the organizers, institutions, organizations, Thailand Post etc. The actual "base sheet" of the respective issue always comes from the Thai British Security Printing and is licensed by the Thailand Post.
- Due to the large number of personalized special sheets issued so far (currently approx. 4000 different), we limit ourselves to the official (issued by the Thailand Post itself) or to really interesting motif issues. Everything else would just go beyond the scope.
- MiNo. 2599A-2608A was printed contiguously in mini-sheets of 10 stamps and different personalized sheet
There are also under the name "Stamp Pack" sheetlet with 5 different stamps of this set, which were sold in plastic-wrapped from the supermarket chain "7 Eleven" for 20 baht.
- Stamp Pack I (07.04.2014): Stamp series 2603, 2600-2601, 2608-2604, outer edge lively opal green
- Stamp Pack II (07.04.2014): Stamp series 2607, 2604-2601, 2605-2608, outer edge light gray red
- Stamp Pack III (05.01.2015): Stamp series 2603, 2600-2601, 2608-2604, outer edge light blue
- Stamp Pack IV (05.01.2015): Stamp series 2603, 2600-2601, 2608-2604, outer edge light pink
- MiNo. 2599C-2608C were printed contiguously in mini-sheets of 10 stamps