MiNo. 1920 - 1923 (Souvenir Sheet 121) Thailand
RaTdr. (2x5); perf. K 11 1/2
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 5.5.1999
Picture descriptions:
bro) Chitralada Villa of Dusit Palace, Bangkok
brp) Phu Phing-Ratchaniwet Winter Palace, Doi Buak Ha
brr) Phu-Phan-Ratchaniwet Palace, Sakon Nakhon Province
brs) Thaksin Ratchaniwet Palace, Narathiwat Province
1920 6 B multicolored bro
1921 6 B multicolored brp
1922 6 B multicolored brr
1923 6 B multicolored brs
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 1920-1923
Souvenir Sheet 121 (185 mm x 125 mm) brt
Post price: 40 B
Quantity: 200,000 pieces
Printing: Helio Courvoisier S.A., Switzerland
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice: