Football World Cup 1998, France (I) -FDC(I)-

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  • Item no.: 1516-1520-FDC(I)-LAO
  • Delivery status: Now Available
  • Our price : € 15,30
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MiNo. 1516A - 1520A FDC(I)-I- Lao
Opr.; A = perf. K 12 3/4; B = imperforated
FDC(I), date of issue: 3.5.1996
Picture descriptions:
bog-bom) Various game scenes
1516 A  20 K multicolored bent
1517 A  50 K multicolored boh
1518 A  300 K multicolored boi
1519 A  400 K multicolored bok
1520 A  500 K multicolored bol
Quantity FDC(I): 500 pieces
Designer: unknown
Printer: Vietnam Printing
Conservation status:
Here as a FDC (Version I) with first day special postmark
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